Data Buyers

A guide for buying data on the Digital Prosumer Platform

Gaining access to the rich and diverse datasets available on the Digital Prosumer Platform can enhance your analytics power, products and services. The datasets provided here are collected responsibly and with the full consent of the data subjects.

A more detailed PDF user guide for Data Buyers is available: Data Buyer Guide.

Step 1: Registration

You'll need to sign up for an account using the Data Seller registration link. Make sure to read our Privacy Notice, Cookie Policy and Terms and Conditions before signing up. The other legal documents (Rulebooks, Database Rights and Sample Contract) will be available to you after your account is validated. You will receive an email once your account is validated.

Step 2: Persona Identification

The first step is to identify a persona (and its associated data) that you would like to purchase. Personas are identified from finding profiles in data aggregated across all data sellers. These personas are used to package the data into standardised persona assets that can be traded. Complete lists of datasets and personas currently traded on the Digital Prosumer Platform are available.

Step 3: Trading

Just like a financial exchange, you will need to bid for the data by placing bids for persona assets. Sellers will also make offers for the persona assets. Each persona asset is tied to the associated persona and includes a package of 3 month's worth of data. You can only trade each asset once during the matching period (defined below in Step 3) and you should use the Market and Market Charts screens to view the current bid/offer prices. The platform currently trades two types of persona assets:

  • SPOT: these assets denote that the associated data needs to be delivered (uploaded to the platform) on the date of matching.
  • 3M: these assets denote that the associated data needs to be delivered (uploaded to the platform) 3 months from the matched date.

Step 4: Matching

Matching is the process in which all offers and bids are matched. Currently this is completed using two variables: price and time. Matching is run once a month on the last day of the month, so sellers and buyers have until 23:45 on the last day of the month to get their trades in. Once matching is complete, sellers and buyers with successfully matched trades will be notified by email and your contract will be available to view and download.

Step 5: Settlement

When required, you will need to send payment as specified in the contract. The contract will contain a breakdown of the individual trades and associated trade amounts. The sellers will upload the data, which is then processed so identifying fields are removed and replaced with a randomly generated identifier. You will then have access to this data as specified in the contract. Payment is processed through Digital Prosumer so sellers will remain anonymous. You will be able to perform your analysis on this data but will not be able to sell this data on, as specified in the contract.

Full details of the legal framework and documents are available after registration.

Please contact us if you have any questions or would like to know more.

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